Election Observers Registration

The African Union Electoral Roster is administered and maintained by the DEAU. The African Union Commission has established a roster (database) which fast-tracks the selection of African Union Commission Election Observers and creates it more transparent, neutral and uniform environment.

The Roster includes individuals who can provide specialized technical assistance on relatively short notice to governments and national election administrative bodies. Such individuals may be recruited to participate in electoral missions ranging in duration from two weeks to several months, depending on the assistance requested.
What are we looking for?

DEAU is looking for people who have Past experience in election observation missions, experience of election administration or relevant academic and/or professional backgrounds. In addition, we require that election observers are in excellent health, are willing to work long hours in difficult conditions, and have the ability to work well as part of a team. All candidates for participation in election observation missions should fulfil the following requirements:

To be registered on the African Union Electoral Roster, a candidate must have several years of experience in a variety of technical electoral fields and preferably in more than one country. Experience as an election observer does not automatically qualify individuals for inclusion on the roster.

Electoral assistance activities focus primarily on electoral administration and planning and include such fields as: electoral systems, operational planning, electoral law, election organization, boundary delimitation, voter registration, civic and voter education, computer technology applications, candidate/party relations, media assistance, logistics, procurement of election materials, training of election officials, polling and counting procedures, electoral dispute resolution and the coordination of African region observer. Please note that for election observer missions DEAU only recruits African citizens.

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